Interface implementations and multiple inheritance in C++

| category: Programming | author: st

Multiple inheritance of interfaces which are pure abstract classes indeed is not a problem until you need to use the interface implementation in other classes.

Suppose there are two interfaces, the implementation of which will be used in other classes.

class IA
    virtual void m1() = 0;

class IB : public IA
    virtual void m2() = 0;

// Common IA implementation
class A : public IA
    virtual void m1() { cout << "A::m1" << endl; }

// B implement both IA and IB but would use IA implemenation of A
class B : public IB, public A
    virtual void m2() { cout << "B::m2" << endl; }

This code will not compile because the conflict between IA::m1() and B::m1() cannot be resolved. A simple "head-on" solution is to override the function but you will need to add some useless code.

class B : public IB, public A
    virtual void m1() { A::m1(); }
    virtual void m2() { cout << "B::m2" << endl; }

A more elegant solution is to use the virtual inheritance. In this case, the class B inherits only a copy of the functions IA (contains only one instance of IA) and ambiguity is resolved.

class IA
    virtual void m1() = 0;

class IB : public virtual IA
    virtual void m2() = 0;

// Common IA implementation
class A : public virtual IA
    virtual void m1() { cout << "A::m1" << endl; }

// B implement both IA and IB but use IA implemenation of A
class B : public IB, public A
    virtual void m2() { cout << "B::m2" << endl; }

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