Using RapidFort on Windows WSL

| category: My notes | author: st

RapidFort services can optimize and secure your containers. The command line interface (CLI) tools enable you to interact with RapidFort services.

See also the official manuals.

The "native" way is using a Linux distribution on your desktop. However, the majority of desktops are running Windows. Fortunately we have WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

Step 1. Setup WSL

Install WSL from command line or PowerShell

wsl --install

Also install the Ubuntu distribution:

wsl --install -d Ubuntu

Check the WSL version is 2

wsl --status

Default Distribution: docker-desktop-data
Default Version: 2
Windows Subsystem for Linux was last updated on 26.03.2022
WSL automatic updates are on.Kernel version:

Step 2. Setup Docker

Download and install the latest Docker desktop.

Switch to Linux containers if need.

Open settings and ensure that Docker uses WSL 2 integration

Step 3. Start using RapidFort

Run Ubuntu distribution from Windows command line. Other option: find "Ubuntu" in the Windows start menu.

start wsl -d Ubuntu

The first time you will need to enter UNIX user name and password.

Install required dependencies

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

Install RapidFort

curl | bash

This will download and install all CLI tools.

By default the binaries are installed in the directory <sub>/.local/bin. You may wish to add the directory to the PATH. Add the following line to the end of </sub>/.profile file and relogin.


You are ready now to use CLI: create stub containers, scan and harden them.

$ rflogin

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